Support Tracker Issues

Support Tracker Issues


Each Support Tracker Issue defines the tracking condition and bundles multiple Non Support Tracker projects together in a bucket.

The conditions set in each Support Tracker Issue is then used in:


  1. Create issues in the Support Tracker project

  2. Fill in all the default mandatory fields:

    SummaryJira standard Summary field
    ST: Linked Project(s)A multiple Jira Project picker for non Support Tracker projects
    All projects selected will be grouped as the same Support Tracker Bucket
    Each Support Tracker issue can have different Support Tracker Bucket
    However, take note that the selected projects should all have the same Reference Date field and Reference Number field. Refer to Support Tracker Mapping
    ST: Contract Start DateA date field that defines the start date of the support contract periodThe 2 date fields makes up the Maintenance Period
    The date field will be determined by the Reference Date field set for the current Support Tracker project that the issue belongs to
    e.g. If the Support Tracker Bucket only contains "Akeles Jira Plugins", and the Reference Date field set for the current project "Man Days Tracker" is "Created Date", then if ST: Contract Start Date = "1/Aug/16" and ST: Contract Start Date = "31/Aug/16", theMaintenance Period for this issue will be – all issues in "Akeles Jira Plugins" project that are created between 1/Aug/16 to 31/Aug/16
    ST: Contract End DateA date field that defines the end date of the support contract period
    ST: Total CreditA number field that allocates the total credit amount for the Maintenance PeriodThis is the reference number used to determine if the credit utilisation has reached warning level or exceeded 100%
    e.g. With reference to the above example, if the Reference Number field set for the current project "Man Days Tracker" is "Man Days" and Warning Level set to 75%, if ST: Total Credit = 150, the Warning Level is reached if the "Man Days" value from all issues in "Akeles Jira Plugins" project that are created between1/Aug/16 to 31/Aug/16 sums up to be more than 112.5 man days

  3. All Support Tracker Issues will be in the Tracking status once created
    1. If the user transitions the Support Tracker Issue to the Stopped status, the Support Tracker Issue will no longer be tracked in
      1. Support Tracker Report

      2. Support Tracker Workflow Validation

      3. Support Tracker Notification

The status condition described here is on the assumption that the user has not modified the Support Tracker Workflow automatically associated to the Support Tracker Project after it's creation