Section 3 - Setup for the SD project

Section 3 - Setup for the SD project


In this section, we will create a Service Desk project using the template.

You can skip directly to Section 4 if you already have a Service Desk project that you want to apply the lookup post function.


1. Create a new project using a template

We chose the General service management as a template because it is the least complex. You can choose others that suit your needs.

We chose the General service management as a template and modify the schemes to speed up the process

  1. From the top menu, select Projects > Create project


  2. Select Jira Service Management from the left sidebar and choose General service management


  3. Click on Use template


  4. Fill in the fields and click on the Create project button

    1. Name: Service Desk

    2. Key: SD

2. Update the issue types associated with the project

To make things simple, we will remove all the issue types except the Task issue type

  1. Click on the Project settings on the left sidebar of the newly created project


  2. Select Issue types from the left sidebar


  3. Select Actions > Edit issue types

  4. Drag all the issue types except Task from the left column to the right column


  5. Click on the Save button below


  6. Now only Task issue type is configured in this project


3. Update the screens for the project

We will need to add the fields required in the screen

  1. Select the Screens on the left sidebar


  2. Click on SD: Jira Service Management Screen link to display the fields in the screen

  3. Add and remove the fields such that they appear like the screenshot below


To facilitate data entry, the list of fields are available below

  • Summary

  • Issue Type

  • Employee User

  • Application

  • Application Role

  • Description

  • Access Start Date

  • Planned Access End Date

  • Priority

  • Approvals

  • Data Owner

  • System Owner

  • System Admin

  • Assignee

  • Request participants


4. Disable the email channel

Because we have removed some of the issue types in the previous step, the email channel no longer exists. So we will turn off the email channel

  1. Go back to the Service Desk project using the top menu


  2. Go back to the Project Settings


  3. Select Email requests from the left sidebar


  4. Click on the … and select Disable all email requests

  5. Click on the Turn off button


5. Updating the Request type

The request type controls what is displayed to the customers in the Customer Portal.
We need to clear the existing request types and create a new request type to link to the Task issue type


  1. Select Request types from the Project settings sidebar


  2. Click on the Create request type button


  3. Fill in the dialog and change the icon and click on Next

    1. Fill in Name: Application Access

    2. Click on the Change icon button

    3. Select the … to choose more icons

    4. Select the key icon and press Save

    5. Press Next button

    6. Click on the General checkbox and click on the Create button

  4. Click on the Request form tab

  5. Click on Add a field button

  6. Select the checked fields and click on the Apply button

  7. Click on the Description field and change the text to Why Access is needed? and then click on the Update button to save it

  8. Click on the Priority field to change the text to Urgency and then click on the Update button to save it


  9. Click on the Field help (Optional) column for the Access Start Date row to enter the text When do you need the access to start and click on the Update button

  10. Click on the Field help (Optional) column for the Planned Access End Date row to enter the text When the access should be removed. You can leave it blank for perpetual access and click on the Update button

  11. Change the following fields to Required

    1. Employee User

    2. Application

    3. Application Role

    4. Access Start Date


  12. The list of visible fields should be as follows


  13. Click on the Back to request types at the top of the page

  14. Delete all the 3 request types by clicking on the and select Delete request type


  15. Click on the Delete button again to confirm


  16. Repeat Steps 14-15 until all the 3 request types are deleted

  17. The request types screen should look something like this


6. Granting Customer permission

The default setup for Service Desk project is that the customers have to be added into the project. For this tutorial, we will change it to anyone who has an account on your Jira Cloud site


  1. Click on Customer permissions on the Project settings sidebar

  2. Change the Service project access to Anyone with an account on https://<your-site>.atlassian.net

  3. Click on the Save button


Now you are ready to proceed to the next section - Section 4 - Updating the workflow for the Application Access Request issue type

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