Release Notes for 1.1.21-AC
Release Notes for 1.1.21-AC
Improve the speed when fetching Epic Links
When fetching Epic Links in statistic charts, additional searches are executed to retrieve the issues and get the Epic Name for display.
Improvements has been made so that the loading is faster.
Bug fix
Invalid JQL in chart links if JQL contains “order by” and does not end with “asc” or “desc”
For example, if configured JQL is: project = MCHARTC ORDER BY issuetype
When click on the chart links (e.g. Bug issue type):
Before | |
After |
Issue Type | Issue Key | Summary | |
1 | Improvement | To improve the speed when fetching Epic Links | |
2 | Bug | Invalid JQL in chart links if JQL contains "order by" and does not end with "asc" or "desc" |