Document toolboxDocument toolbox

How to Configure Multiple Filters Statistic Bar Chart Gadget (Horizontal)

This is available from version 4.1.0/5.1.0 onwards.









Title of the gadget.

X Axis Label

Issue Count

Label for x-axis.

Y Axis Label


Label for y-axis.

Statistic Type


The statistic type used to plot the bar chart.


Color Scheme


The color scheme of the bar chart.


Add Filter


Click to add another filter.

*Maximum of 12 filters


Delete Last Filter


Click to delete the last filter.


Filter n


JQL input added in version 4.7.0/5.7.0

The filter or JQL used to plot the bar chart.


Alias n


The display name for the selected filter.

If undefined, the filter name will be used.


Calculation Mode n


Calculation mode:

  • Same as Filter 1

  • Issue Count

  • Time Spent

  • Time Estimate

  • Time Original Estimate

  • Custom Number fields


  • Sum

  • Average

  • Minimum

  • Maximum

*Not applicable for Issue Count and Same as Filter 1 calculation mode.

Color n


The color for the selected filter’s bar.

*Configurable only if Color Scheme is set to Custom.

Display Type


The display type of the gadget:

  • Bar Chart Only

  • Data Table Only

  • Bar Chart and Data Table

Display Mode


The display mode of the bars:

  • Grouped

  • Stacked

Data Labels


The data labels of each bar:

  • Show

  • Hide

Display Time In


To display time in:

  • Hours

  • Days

  • Weeks

*Applicable for Time Fields only.

Show Totals


Previously named "Sum Up Rows" with "Yes" and "No" options
Renamed in version 4.7.0/5.7.0 with additional options

Display the total for each row and/or column in the Data Table:

  • Yes

  • Yes (Columns Only)

  • Yes (Rows Only)

  • No

*Applicable if Data Table is displayed.

Table Orientation


Select whether to display the filters vertically or horizontally in the Data Table:

  • Horizontal

  • Vertical

Tick Interval


The interval of each tick on the x-axis.