Useful CQLs

Useful CQLs

For more information, visit Advanced Searching Using CQL

Find content within the current space

text ~ $$query$$ and space = $$space.key$$

Find content by title within the current space

title ~ $$query$$ and space = $$space.key$$

Find content that has mentioned the current user

text ~ $$query$$ and mention = currentUser()

Find content in the current space that mentions the given user

space = $$space.key$$ and mention = $$query$$

Find page that is favourited by the current user

favorite = currentUser() and type = page

Find content that are contributed by the given user since past week

contributor = $$query$$ and lastModified > startOfWeek("-1w") and type not in (comment,attachment) order by type desc
  • For this to work, please set the Search Type to Exact Match

Find content that has the CQL navigation macro

macro = cqlnavigation order by title asc

Macro Display Name

Macro name

Macro Display Name

Macro name

CQL Search


CQL Search Table


CQL Search Counter (Board)


CQL Search Counter (Link)


CQL Navigation


Contributor Summary Report


Two Dimensional Contributor Report


CQL Quick Search


Display pages within the current space that do not have any label

sitesearch ~ "type:page AND NOT (labelText:[a TO z] OR labelText:[0 TO 9]) AND spacekey:$$space.key$$"

Appendix A - List of Placeholder variables






The key of the current space


The title of the current space


The id of the current page


The key of the parent page


The title of the current page


The created date of the current page


The last modified date of the current page

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