Useful CQLs

Useful CQLs

Find content within the current space

text ~ $$query$$ and space = $$space.key$$

Find content by title within the current space

title ~ $$query$$ and space = $$space.key$$

Find content that has mentioned the current user

text ~ $$query$$ and mention = currentUser()

Find content in the current space that mentions the given user

space = $$space.key$$ and mention = $$query$$

Find page that is favourited by the current user

favorite = currentUser() and type = page

Find content that are contributed by the given user since past week

contributor = $$query$$ and lastModified > startOfWeek("-1w") and type not in (comment,attachment) order by type desc
  • For this to work, please set the Search Type to Exact Match

Display pages within the current space that do not have any label

sitesearch ~ "type:page AND NOT (labelText:[a TO z] OR labelText:[0 TO 9]) AND spacekey:$$space.key$$"



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