Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time


Countdown hours is calculated wrongly, it displays one hour lesser

Are you losing an 1 hour or gaining an additional hour on your countdown timer?

This is because your Countdown date takes into account of Daylight Savings

Example for DST on Countdown Timer

Image Reference: https://www.timeanddate.com/time/change/germany/berlin

Time seen outside of during DST

The countdown time seen on 19th March 2018 for Berlin - Germany for different countdown end dates

Countdown End DateUTC offsetDisplay
25th March (00:00)UTC+02:00

26th March (00:00)UTC+01:00
28th October (00:00)UTC+01:00
29th October (00:00)UTC+02:00

Time seen during DST

The countdown time seen on 27th March 2018 for Berlin - Germany for different countdown end dates

Countdown End DateUTC offsetDisplay
28th October (00:00)UTC+01:00

29th October (00:00)UTC+02:00

Check out if your area would be affected by DST: https://www.timeanddate.com/time/dst/events.html 


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