Release Notes for Attachment Checker for Confluence 1.9.0

Release Notes for Attachment Checker for Confluence 1.9.0


New Features

On access scanning

An additional setting has been added under Virus Scanning tab in Attachment Checker Configuration.

On Access ScanningAdd comment when infected files are deleted by on access scanner after they are uploaded.Disabled

This is to handle files deleted by on access scanner in the backend which the user does not know.

Users will see the following screen when they try to download the attachment.

For image preview, 

Refer to The Hidden Risk of running Virus Scanners on Confluence for more info.

If On Access Scanning is enabled, a comment for the infected file will be added, to provide feedback for the user.

If Delete Virus Files option is set to Yes, it will also perform a cleanup by injecting a placeholder file for the quarantined/deleted files.

Internationalisation support

I18n support for Attachment Checker has been implemented.


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