User Guide for Attachment Checker for Confluence before version 1.2.0

User Guide for Attachment Checker for Confluence before version 1.2.0


By Upload

  1. Download the latest version from Marketplace
  2. Go to Manage add-ons
  3. Click on Upload add-on
  4. Select the .jar file
  5. Click Upload
  6. The Attachment Checker should be installed
  7. Click on Free trial or Buy now to configure and start using

By Searching in Atlassian Marketplace

  1. Go to Find new add-ons
  2. Search for Attachment Checker in the search field
  3. Click Free trial or Buy now to install, configure and start using

*The Attachment Checker for Confluence offers a free trial for 30 days. Thereafter, a license key will be required in order to use it.


Accessing the Configuration Page

Configuration Settings

The settings are organised into the following tabs:

  • File Type Blocking
  • Virus Scanning

File Type Blocking
To block file types based on the configured whitelisting/blacklisting rules.

Field NameRequiredDefault ValueExplanation

The list of extensions to be used for filtering.
For each of the extension listed, all of it's associated extension(s) will also be filtered automatically.

Filter Mode(tick)Whitelist

Choose a filter mode:

  • Whitelist (Only configured file types are allowed)
  • Blacklist (Only configured file types are blocked)
Error Message(tick)This file type is not allowed.The message to be displayed when a file attached is not allowed.

Virus Scanning
To scan all uploaded attachments for virus threats.

Field NameRequiredDefault ValueExplanation
Virus Scanning(tick)Disabled

Select whether to enable the scanning of attachments:

  • Enable
  • Disable
Scanner Path(tick)
The full path to the scanner.

Update Settings
*Only System Administrators are allowed to update the settings.

  1. Click on the tab that you wish to edit.
  2. Click on the Edit Settings button.
  3. Make the necessary changes to the form.
  4. Click on the Save button.

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