Release Notes for Attachment Checker for Confluence 1.4.0

Release Notes for Attachment Checker for Confluence 1.4.0

In this release, administrators can enable automatic deletion of infected files.

The benefits when the option is enabled are

  • The infected files are removed immediately
  • The users save the time of removing the infected files manually

Delete Virus Files

The Delete Virus File option allows administrators to automatically remove any infected files uploaded by the users.

  • A placeholder would be uploaded in place of the infected file. This is to ensure the content in the Confluence page is not affected by the deleted file
  • An auto-generated comment would be posted to inform users that the infected file has removed and a placeholder is uploaded to replace the infected file

The option can be enabled in the plugin configuration. The default value is disabled. 

The Differences

The table below summarises the differences when the Delete Virus File option is enabled or disabled

FeatureEnabledDisabled (Default setting)
Handling of the
infected file
  • The infected version is deleted and replaced with a placeholder
  • The placeholder is commented so that users can identify the version easily

User may delete the placeholder version of the file.

The infected file would not be removed automatically.


A comment to inform user that an infected file has been detected and replaced with a placeholder

A comment to inform the user to delete the infected file

Page Content

When the user tries to open the infected file, it would be replaced with placeholder looking like this,

Fixed Issues

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution