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Configure Days Mapping

The Days Mapping Manager allows the traffic light custom fields to be associated with

  • a Calendar to determine the working days and hours
  • conditional mappings to determine the color of the traffic light

Accessing Days Mapping Manager

  1. Choose  > Issues. Select Days Mapping Manager under the Traffic Light Configuration section
  2. It will display the list of Traffic Light custom fields defined 
  3. The columns displayed are

    Column NameDescription
    Traffic Light Custom FieldThe custom field
    Traffic Light CalendarThe calendar associated with the Traffic Light custom field (info) If None is selected, then the days will be counted with a 24x7 calendar without any off days.
    No. of mapping(s)The number of mappings defined. Each mapping is a simplified version of JQL and the number of days elapsed for the traffic light SLA to be considered as yellow or red
    ActionsThe possible actions to configure the mapping: Add - To add the configuration information Edit - To edit the configuration information Reset - To remove existing configuration information

Changing the mapping configuration

By clicking on the Add or Edit action links, it is possible to edit the Mapping Configuration for the Traffic Light custom field

  1. Select the Calendar that the custom field is to be associated with. The change is saved immediately
  2. Specify the JQL condition and the threshold on the number of days to be considered as Yellow and Red

    JQL Condition

    The issue with the Traffic Light custom field must fulfil the condition in order to use the mapping

    It uses a simplified version of JQL which only supports AND and equal operators. 

    • Project = "Day Elapsed" AND issuetype = "Bug"
    • Project = "Day Elapsed" AND issuetype = "Task"

    If the JQL condition cannot be evaluated successfully, it will be considered as non-matching

    YellowThe number of days elapsed to be considered as Yellow traffic light.
    For example 2 means if day elapsed >= 2, then color is yellow
    RedThe number of days elapsed to be considered as Red traffic light. For example 3 means if day elapsed > 3, then color is red

  3. Click on the Add button to save the mapping

  4. Drag the handle on the left side of the JQL condition to sort the sequence of checking
  5. The first matching mapping will be used to determine the color of the traffic light
  6. Click on the Back to Traffic Lights Mapping Configuration button to go back to the Days Mapping Manager

Things to note

While each custom field can have up to 5 conditions, it is recommended to plan the conditions wisely to cover all the possible scenarios and avoid unnecessary checking

  • Use conditions that checks fields with standard values (e.g. select list, radio buttons, etc) rather than free text values like text field or summary fields
  • Arrange the ordering of the conditions properly to speed up the processing as the matching is done from top to bottom
    • E.g. : If there are 3 priorities defined (Low, Medium, High) and most of the issues are Medium, then the condition with Medium can be ordered as the 1st condition to speed up the matching

The plugin supports only a simplified version of JQL to speed up on the performance

  • Operators: equal [=], not equal [!=]
  • Issue fields: assignee, created date, due date, issue key, priority, project, reporter, resolution, resolved date, status, issue type, updated date, Customer Request Type (JSM)
  • Custom fields: Single select list
  • The JQL cannot contains round brackets or curly braces such as (, ), { and }
  • No JQL functions are allowed yet