Egress Permissions for Tissue Cloud

Egress Permissions for Tissue Cloud


Tissue for Jira Cloud is the only Akeles Forge Cloud app that has data egress.

Egress permission for Tissue Cloud.png

You can check out the egress permissions of your Cloud apps at https://www.forge-apps.com/ operated by Seibert Group.


What is Data Egress?

Data egress means data can leave a network in transit to an external location.

This increases the risks for data leak if the connection or the destination servers are not secured properly.

Apps built on Atlassian Forge framework are more secure since they are hosted in Atlassian infrastructure. They cannot establish connections to third party servers unless they declare the egress permissions explicitly.


Why we need the permissions

Actually the app is not sending data out, but the permission is required to pull data from other sites. It is also considered as egress because it is possible to include data while making requests.

However our requests are only to Atlassian sites.






To render the issue type icons and user avatars


To display the images included in the issue description


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