How to search for table values

How to search for table values

Search for historical values

Direct searching in table custom fields is currently not supported.

However, since the table values are mostly populated with values from issue fields, you can make use of the was or was in operator to search.

For example, the Escalation (Properties Table Custom Field) has the following row headings:

  • Reason: Comment

  • Escalated by: Current User (The user who transitioned issue to the Escalated status)

  • Escalated on: Current Date Time (When issue is escalated)

  • Resolved by: Current User (The user who transitioned issue to the Resolved status)

  • Resolved on: Current Date Time (When issue is resolved)

To view the table for issues escalated by a specific user in a project, you can search for:

project = <project> AND status WAS Escalated BY <user>

Using the list view, you can quickly browse through the table custom field values:

tablecf search historical values.png

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