How to add a Jiralinks List Macro

How to add a Jiralinks List Macro

This macro is only available from version 1.2.0 onwards.


The Jiralinks List Macro displays a bullet list of the Jira issues linked to the current page filtered by link type.


Adding the Macro

The macro can be added in 2 ways.

  • By typing out the macro.

  • By selecting from the Macro Browser.

Editing the parameters

To modify the parameters,

  1. Click on the macro placeholder to bring up the Edit option.


  2. Change the parameters accordingly (Refer to the explanation of the parameters in the section below).

  3. Click on the Save button to update the changes.


Parameter NameDescriptionDefault Value
Jira Link TypeThe name of the Jira Link Type.The first link type added.

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