How to link to a particular page version

How to link to a particular page version


The permalink will redirect to the correct version of the page even if 

  • the page title has been changed
  • the page has been moved to another space
  • the page has a newer version(s) due to edits
  • the older version(s) have been deleted

If the page version has been deleted, it will display the nearest version(s) available.

To get the reference link for the current version 

  1. Navigate to desired page
  2. In the current page, select Link to this version

  3. A dialog box would pop up showing the link to this page version

  4. Copy the link and paste it in your Confluence pages or Jira Issues
  5. When the link is clicked, you will be redirected to the desired versioned page

To get the reference link for a historical page

If you need to get permalink for the older version of the page, you will need to view that version before performing the steps above

  1. Navigate to desired page
  2. Select Page History

  3. Select the desired version you want to link

  4. Click on the version link to view the historical page

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