How to update Out Of Office user options

How to update Out Of Office user options

From v1.6.0, we have collapsed the out of office options into a dialog and it can be triggered through the Options button.

We also introduced @mention feature in comment and description. If OOO user are mentioned in comment or description during their OOO period. They can choose to auto-reply with the OOO rule message.










Do not reassign back to coverer if I am assigning to myself


This option is useful if you are out of office but want to assign the issue to yourself.
Before this option, the issue will be automatically reassigned to the coverer if there is a matching Out-of-Office rule. 
If the assignment was triggered by the selected assignee, Out of Office Assistant will skip the processing. 


Allow the coverer to reassign back to me when I am Out-of-Office


This option is useful if the coverer is unable to handle the reassigned issue or the priority is not so high.
With this option enabled, the coverer will be able to reassign back to the original assignee without waiting for him to come back.
If the issue was assigned to the coverer before the out of office period, this normal processing will still be applied even this option is enabled.


Out of office reply when mentioned in comment or description


This option allow the OOO to auto-reply when you are mentioned in comment or description when any of your OOO rule is active


Exclude Filter Type

  • None

  • Default Filter

  • User Filter

This option allows user to choose which filter type to use to exclude issues from reassignment.
The default filter used will be the "Default Filter" created by the Administrators (see How to modify Default Exclusion filter).
User can choose the "User Filter" to create their own JQL filter or choose "None" to not use any filter.


  1. Click on the User Avatar at the top right corner

  2. Click on Out Of Office Assistant in the dropdown menu

  3. Click the Options button


  4. To modify the options, just click on the corresponding checkboxes and click the Update button to save the setting


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