Release Notes for 2.0.0

Release Notes for 2.0.0


This is a major release with a lot of new features. We hope you will like it too.

  1. Calculation with Different Fields
  2. More Calculation Modes - Average, Minimum, Maximum
  3. Reusing of Filters
  4. Support for Time Fields
  5. Support for Negative Values in Charts

New features

1. Calculation with Different Fields

It is possible to specify a different field for each filter. This gives the possibility for more powerful/flexible reporting.

For example: It is possible to tabulate with 3 different fields  within a single table (issue count, story point and time spent)

FilterJan - Mar 17Apr - Jun 17Jul - Sep 17Oct - Dec 17
No. of issues completed152070
Sum of story points3603701000
Sum of time spent (w)2425150

or find out the statistics on the backlog

2. More Calculation Modes - Average, Minimum, Maximum

In the previous release, we have introduced the Sum calculation mode. This version, we have added more calculation modes

The calculation mode are now split into 2 select fields.

  1. Select the issue count or issue field to calculate.
  2. Select the calculation operator. (Sum/Average/Minimum/Maximum)

From Filter 2 onwards, there is also an option of 'Same as Filter 1', which will be selected by default when a new filter is added.

3. Reusing of Filters

With the 2 new features, users might want to chart different fields for the same filter. 

You can now choose a filter that has been previously selected. It will be highlighted as Duplicate to highlight it has been selected more than once.

4. Support for Time Fields

Calculation of the following time tracking fields are now supported.

  • Time Spent
  • Time Estimate
  • Time Original Estimate

Calculating time

An additional preference 'Display Time In' has been added. Users can choose to display the time in:

  • Hours
  • Days
  • Weeks

For the conversion, the number of hours per day and number of days per week will follow Jira's time tracking properties (number of working hours per day and number of working days per week).

5. Support for Negative Values in Charts

It is possible to chart fields with negative values now

Bar Chart (Stacked)

If a stacked bar contains both positive and negative values, the bar will display the final value after subtracting the negative values.

Users can refer to the data table for the breakdowns.

Bar Chart (Grouped) / Line Chart

Line Chart

If you like the features, please give us a review at the plugin listing. Thanks (smile)