Usage Guide for Liquid Gauge Gadget

Usage Guide for Liquid Gauge Gadget


The Liquid Gauge Gadget allows you to visualise and track your issue like liquid in a sphere. It improve how data could be visualisation in dashboard and wallboard.

It currently support Number and Percentage value and comes with basic colours or colour changing mode which change colour based on the gauge level.


Inserting Liquid Gauge Gadget on the dashboard

To add a 3 Liquid Gauge Gadget on the dashboard,

  1. Click on Add Gadget button on the Dashboard view to add a new gadget
  2. The Gadget Directory will pop up
  3. Enter "Liquid" in the search box to filter the matching gadget

  4. Click on the Add it Now button to add the gadget.
  5. Click on the Close button to return back to the Dashboard

Configuring Liquid Gauge Gadget

Fill in the preferences for the gadget. Under the "Max Value Type" option, you can choose to have either a fixed value or a dynamic value from the number of issues in another filter, to be the maximum value. The different  configurations available are illustrated below.

TitleThe title of the gadget
Current Value FilterThe filter in which the number of issues will be displayed in the gauge as the current value
Min ValueThe minimum value of the gauge
Max Value Type

Select the type of maximum value for the gauge

  • Maximum value of the gauge should be a fixed value (Use Number as Max Value)
  • Maximum value of the gauge should be based on the number of issues in another filter (Use Filter as Max Value)

Max Value

(For Use Number as Max Value Option)

The maximum value of the gauge

Max Value Filter

(For Use Filter as Max Value Option)

The filter in which the number of issues will be displayed in the gauge as the maximum value
Gadget HeightThe height of the gadget and gauge will scale based on the height of the gadget
Gauge ColorThe colour of the liquid gauge and there is option to change liquid colour based on the level of the gauge
Wave SpeedAnimation speed for the wave in liquid gauge
Display inDisplay in percentage of the gauge or the number given in the Value Filter
Decimal PlaceHow many decimal to be display in the gauge
Refresh IntervalHow often the gadget updates itself

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