Installing Bulk Approvals Plugin

Installing Bulk Approvals Plugin

There are 2 ways of installing depending on whether your Jira server has a direct connection to the Internet

1. Installing the plugin

Check out the Compatibility Matrix to find out which version you should use

With Internet Connection

Without Internet Connection

  1. Log in as a Jira administrator

  2. Click on Administration link

  3. Under the Plugins section, click on Find New Add-ons

  4. Enter Lookup Manager in the textbox labelled with Search the Marketplace

  5. Click on the Install button to install the plugin

  6. Wait for the installation process to complete and click on the Close button

  7. Click on the Manage button to proceed with the configuration

  1. Download the latest version of the plugin from the Atlassian Marketplace

  2. Log in as a Jira administrator

  3. Click on Administration link

  4. Under the Plugins section, click on Manage add-ons

  5. Click on the Upload add-on link

  6. Click on Choose File button and select the latest version of the plugin from the Marketplace
    (e.g. servicedesk-approval-4.0.0.jar)

  7. Click on Upload button to upload the plugin

Result, a confirmation dialog box will appear


2. Entering a Plugin License

A Marketplace license is required for the plugin to work.

To update the license key:

  1. Go to the Universal Plugin Manager

  2. Click on the Bulk Approvals for Jira Service Management  under the User-installed Add-ons section to expand the panel

  3. Paste the license key in the License key Text Box and click on the Update button


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