Configuring virus scanner full path with additional options

Configuring virus scanner full path with additional options


You need to write a custom script to append additional options (e.g. -Scan) to the virus scanner full path

Finding shortened path for a directory

For Windows environment, if your file path contains spaces (e.g. C:\Program Files), you need to use cmd to find the shortened path for the directory (e.g. c:\progra~1) to remove the spaces.

  1. Open cmd
  2. Navigate to desired directory
  3. Execute the following command

    dir /x
  4. The shorthand for the directory would be displayed  

Script Template

For Windows Defender, the command line scanner requires additional options to perform an on-demand scan for a specific file.

  1. Create a batch file script (e.g. c:\atlassian\atlassian-jira-software-7.8.1-standalone\bin\scanner.cmd) using the following template

    Replace "c:\progra~1\window~1\MpCmdRun.exe -Scan -ScanType -File" accordingly

    @echo off
    REM echo executing scan for file %1
    c:\progra~1\window~1\MpCmdRun.exe -Scan -ScanType 3 -File "%1"
    REM exit the script by the exit code from MpCmdRun.exe but do not exit the cmd.exe
  2. Append the path of the script to the Attachment Checker Virus Scanning configurations in the Full Path for Scanner field


MpCmdRun.exe-Scan -ScanType 3

Define the type of scan to be executed

0 - Default, according to the configuration

1 - Quick scan

2 - Full System Scan

3 - File and directory custom scan

-File "%1"Indicates the file or directory to be scanned. Only valid for custom scans.
Exit/BOnly exit the script. Do not exit the cmd.exe
%ERRORLEVEL%Exit with the status code given by the previous executed command

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