Troubleshoot a Jira Server Startup Failed Error

Troubleshoot a Jira Server Startup Failed Error


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When you try to startup your JIRA applications, they don't start. Instead, you are met with an error that states 'JIRA Startup Failed' :

JIRA Startup Failed You cannot access JIRA at present. Look at the table below to identify the reasons: Description The following plugins are required by JIRA, but have not been started:




JIRA applications and anti-virus software are known to be mortal enemies - It's hard to have both of them at the same place at the same time. During startup, JIRA applications create quite a number of temporary files that it has to read from. If an anti-virus software goes through all of  these files (which are usually in the JIRA_INSTALLATION or the JIRA_HOME directory), it can hinder or stop the startup process from proceeding normally. One of the common reasons is due to the 300s timeout. 



Exclude your JIRA INSTALLATION DIRECTORY and your JIRA HOME DIRECTORY from being scanned by the anti-virus. However, sometimes, even though an exception has been added, the problem might still persists, in those cases, please try disabling your anti-virus entirely. Further information regarding the correlation between anti-virus and JIRA application performance can be viewed in this KB - Common causes for Jira Server crashes and performance issues.

You may want to use Attachment Checker’s virus scanning feature to scan the file once when it is newly uploaded to the server or check out The Hidden Risk of running Virus Scanners on Confluence.

Other causes

For other possible causes, you may want to refer to https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/troubleshoot-a-jira-server-startup-failed-error-394464512.html



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