
New Features

Configurable colors for % values

Added Color Limit (%) configuration where users can specify the limit for color change for Gauge Gadget and Liquid Gauge Gadget.

For example, if the color is “Green to Red” and limit is “60,80”, the gadget will be Green for 0% to 60%, and Red for 80% to 100% and Yellow in between

For Gauge Gadget, this is available only if meter type is Horseshoe.

For Liquid Gauge Gadget, this is available only if color is Green to Red or Red to Green.

None option for wave speed

Added a None option to the Wave Speed for Liquid Gadget.

This allows user to turn off the wave animation which can reduce the CPU load for dashboards with a lot of gadgets.

Configurable text size for Counter Gadget

Added Text Size configuration where users can select:

Additional board colors for Counter Gadget

2 additional colors added:

Option to hide filter link

Added Hide Filter Link configuration for all gadgets with options:
