Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


TitleThe title of the gadget
X Axis LabelThe x-axis label for the bar chartIssue Count
Y Axis LabelThe y-axis label for the bar chartAssignee
Statistic TypeSelect the statistic type to display
Color Scheme

Select the color scheme for the bar chart

  • Basic
  • Contrasting
  • Shades
  • Warm
  • Custom
Add Filter

Click to add filter

*Up to 12 filters can be added

Filter nSelect the filter to be used(s) or enter JQL to plot the bar chart.
Alias nDisplay name for Filter n
Calculation Mode nCalculation mode for Filter n
Color nBar color for Filter n
Display Type

Select whether to display bar chart, data table or both

  • Bar Chart Only
  • Data Table Only
  • Bar Chart and Data Table
Bar Chart Only
Display Mode

Select whether to group or stack the bars

  • Grouped
  • Stacked
Data Labels

Select whether to show/hide data labels in bar chart

  • Show
  • Hide
Display Time In

Select the duration unit for time fields calculation mode (e.g. Time Spent)

  • Hours
  • Days
  • Weeks
Sum Up Rows

Select whether to sum up rows in data table

  • Yes
  • No
Tick IntervalSpecify the interval between each tick on the x-axis
